Echocardiography services for healthcare providers

Delivering prompt and efficient outcomes for patients

When you refer to the services of HeartCheck, you will help to facilitate faster, up-to-date and efficient cardiac ultrasound services for your communities.

HeartCheck provides the opportunity to ensure the continuity of care for your patients within your practice.

By working closely with cardiologists and GPs, HeartCheck helps to facilitate early diagnosis, prompt treatments and effective outcomes.


Referring your patient to HeartCheck is a simple and efficient process

There are two options for making your referral:

Appointment confirmation

We guarantee a 48 hour turnaround period from data upload to delivery of report to the requesting clinician. Critical data is acted upon immediately.

When the referral to HeartCheck is accepted, your patient will be contacted by a HeartCheck administrative team member with an appointment time.

Our aim is to provide a prompt service with minimal wait times. If the patient has not received confirmation within 48 hours of the referral being made, please check the referring form has been completed and/or call our office on (03) 3655 655